Christ Church Ore
We see the Church as an engaging worshipping Community, one that is energised by Faith, which results in an outpouring of God's Love through Action.
Christ Church Ore is based in the heart of Ore village. We are a church with a passion for people and community.
Join us for Sunday worship at 10:30am or 4pm for a contemporary informal service.
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Prayer Requests
If you have anything you would like prayer for please send requests via this form and we will be pray for your request.
This will go on our prayer chain with members of the congregation praying.
If you are aware of someone who is unable to complete this form for any reason, please make them aware that they can call the office on 01424 754290 and leave a message on the answerphone and we will receive it.
(Please note we would love to pray for you but would ask that you don’t reveal any information about anyone else on this platform)