Parish Giving Scheme
This Parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme and as such a regular Direct Debit can be set up online.
You can also donate through PGS a ‘one-off donation’
Parish Code: 100610418
Most of our funding comes from the amazing people who contribute to our church regularly.
If you would like to make a one-off payment please make payable to; Christ Church Ore PCC and use the reference ‘one off giving’.
Sort Code: 60-10-15
Account Number: 87572729
If you’d like to set up a more regular system, please contact us at finance.ccore@gmail.com
Why give through PGS?
The team at PGS makes it safe and easy for you to give and just as safe and easy for your church to receive, easing the admin burden for treasurers and church volunteers.
Because we process regular donations and Gift Aid on your church’s behalf, every pound you donate can be put to Christian service in your community, free from time-consuming admin.
What are the benefits?
As a donor, you will benefit from a system that is secure, confidential and easy to use, while supporting your church today and for the future.
This includes the capacity to increase your giving by the cost of living each year, if you choose. Through your generous commitment, your church can be assured of a regular source of income.
100% of individual's donations go directly to the person or people donors choose to support. All administration costs are covered by Gift Aid. Acts 435 provides direct giving and seeks to provide fast, financial help to the people in need.
Acts 435 runs through a network of churches and local charities who nominate an Acts 435 representative, called the Advocate, who is trained by Acts 435 and posts requests directly onto our website for people in their community who are in need.
Acts 435 is a giving website that allows people to give money directly to others, and 100% of what is donated via Acts 435 goes directly to those in need.
When so many people need so much help giving to charities and good causes can sometimes feel overwhelming and hard. Acts 435 puts people who want to help in touch with people who are in need, through a network of churches and local charities. Acts 435 enables virtual, online giving for specific needs.