27th July 2022

A thought from George Ford

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you

are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and

touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. (Matthew 8:2-3)


During the Covid lock-downs, and to a certain extent now, we know what it feels like not to be allowed to shake hands or touch one another. How unnatural and isolating it felt. The ancient Jews had strict guidelines for those with leprosy to prevent its spread. These rendered its sufferers not only to be repulsive to see, and fearful to be near, but forced to live outside the community. And yet Jesus bridged that gap with a touch. and healing. Imagine how that touch must have felt. May we be given that same loving Spiritual discernment to know when the simple touch of a hand, or arm is achingly need, and to give it in Jesus name.


Almighty and loving Heavenly Father we pray for the many who live in loneliness, and in the isolation of illness or fear. May they feel the touch of your hand on their lives and awaken in us your Spirit of loving discernment to know when we should offer the touch of human comfort, and re-assurance, to the praise of your name.


‘When I feel the touch of your hand upon my life, it causes me to sing a song that I love you Lord. So from deep within my Spirit singeth unto Thee, You are my King, You are my God, and I love You Lord.’ (Keri Jones & David Matthews, 1978)


3rd August 2022


20th July 2022