6th April 2022
A thought from George Ford
Jess said “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5)
Meekness is so often seen as weakness rather than the quiet strength it really is. That gentle strength we see in Jesus as he teaches, heals, and forgives people – even those who arrested him, beat Him and hung Him on a cross. A quiet gentle strength of Spirit that we too can have through faith in Him that will enable us to express its warmth in the care, consideration, and encouragement we give in, and through all we do.
Loving Lord Jesus whose gentle strength was evident to all who encountered you. Grant us that same gentle strength of Spirit in all we do. That it might never be for our glory, but to the glory of God the Father who sent you into this world that all might know His love and forgiveness and praise His name. Amen.
‘Meekness and Majesty, manhood and deity, in perfect harmony the man who was God. Lord of eternity dwells in humanity, kneels in humility and washes our feet. O what a mystery, bow down and worship for this is your God, This your God.’ (Graham Kendrick 1986)